As part of the Threads: Reality? Event this year we are planning to create an on-line exhibition for each of the seniors’ thesis presentations. If you would like to have your work showcased on the Threads Website please follow the below instructions to submit your work.

To see last year’s exhibition visit HERE



    1. Add your name and artist information to this Google Sheet
    2. In this folder create a new folder labeled with your first and last name 
    3. Within your folder:
      • Upload a square headshot 
      • Upload your final high rez photos  or videos (up to 10 images) for the website exhibition (.jpg or .png) 
        • If you would like your photos to be arranged in a certain way please label them 1-10 followed by your name and what the piece is about (1 being the first photo shown)
          • Example: 1carolyn.weaving.jpg 
      • Create a google doc or Google slide with the following information for each piece:
        • A thumbnail image 
        • Title of the piece
        • Materials used 
        • Techniques used 
        • *Optional: Description of the work (100 words or less)