Presenting virtually provides an opportunity for more in-depth storytelling Recorded audio can really help you connect to the audience in a personal way. You talking about your work can be a really potent tool. Tell us what you love about your work. Tell us how you are feeling. Tell us some story about what you had to do to make the piece given your current situation. What story do you want to tell??
- You can make a pretty high quality recording with your phone or computer. Do use a headset and microphone if you have it.
- You don’t have to record it all at once. Multiple audio clips can be edited together
- Do pay attention to what sounds you have in the background – even a fan running will make a discernible noise in the audio.
- The audio can be recorded together with the video as you talk through something you are doing or it can be recorded separately and edited to run along with other images or video (you can see examples of both of those styles in this VIDEO)
- If you don’t know how to edit the two together, upload both audio and video and we can edit it for you.
Please watch these short videos with how-to tips before you record your own video or audio!